(Note: This history was copied from a May 10th, 2007 snapshot of via All the information is the same however some slight formatting was done to make the page easier to read. If someone has an updated link let me know and I will link to the offical history page. --James)


Due to the foresight and efforts of Ted Childress and Norman Savelle (Field Scout Executives of the Gulf Coast Council) a chief and eleven braves from the Alibamu Lodge #179, Tukabatchee Area Council of Montgomery, Alabama came to the Gulf Coast Council's Camp Big Heart on May 21-22, 1948 to organize a local Order of the Arrow lodge. While here, they bestowed upon 24 Scouts and Scouters the title of Honor Camper and member of the Order of the Arrow.

The charter members of Yustaga Lodge were:

  • Thurston A. Shell
  • Jack Shreve
  • Fred Polhemus
  • Glen Ivey, Ray Kelly
  • Wallace King
  • Bo Sharpless
  • Bill Stewart
  • Oswald Geiger
  • Cecil Sewell
  • Ed Nowak
  • DeWitt Thompson
  • Albert Pledger
  • Lamar Henderson
  • Tiller Phillips
  • Charles Dial
  • Captain Wayne Sage
  • Robert Smith
  • Ed Crowe
  • Melvin Hatcher
  • Harry Sampley
  • Cdr. H.M. McDowell
  • Norman Savelle
  • and Ted Childress.

    At a lodge meeting on May 22, 1948 the first lodge officers were elected. They were: Chief: Thurston A. Shell, Scribe: Bo Sharpless, and Treasurer: Albert Pledger. The first Order of the Arrow business meeting was called to order by Netami Sakima (Chief) T.A. Shell at Camp Big Heart on September 11, 1948. The first item of business was to select a lodge name. The name, Yustaga, was chosen and was unanimously accepted by the lodge. The Osprey (fish hawk) was selected as lodge totem, and green and white as the lodge colors (this was later changed to gold and white). The name Yustaga comes from a small Florida tribe that was a part of the Creek nation. Translated, the words mean "Drinkers of the Fire Water."


    The first area conference was held in 1952. Yustaga hosted the V-A conference in 1953 at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola. The lodge's first Vigil Honor member was inducted there - Richard Ploss - who was named, "HUN DA YE'LI" (White Quiver). The same year Yustaga held its Fellowship at Camp Big Heart on December 4.

    The lodge bulletin, the “Osprey”, was first published in 1957 as a quarterly newsletter. Perdido Bay chapter hosted the first lodge banquet on May 16, 1957. The first Spring Fellowship was held at Camp Robbins, April 11-12, 1958. In 1959, Yustaga donated a chrome plated engraved axe to the area to originate the “Mr. Friendly Axe” award.


    Fred Nowak of Yustaga became V-A's area chief for 1960. Yustaga hosted the 1962 V-A Conference for the first time at the newly opened Camp Euchee. Since 1964, the area has been changed from V-A to V-E. The area was composed of six lodges covering most of Alabama and Northwest Florida. Conferences are held yearly, usually in April, and are hosted by different lodges on a rotation basis. Yustaga has a reputation for exceptionally good conferences. In 1963, Yustaga Lodge won first place at the Campfire Fair at the National OA Conference with "Survival in Nylon." In 1968, the lodge again hosted the V-E Conference at Camp Euchee and won the award for being the outstanding lodge of the area. This award was again won in 1969.


    On May 23, 1970, the lodge building “Henson Hall” was dedicated in memory of Herb Henson, Jr., who had lost his life in a tragic car wreck. In 1971, Yustaga won the Outstanding Lodge in the area and was named as a National Standard Lodge for the first time. In 1972, Yustaga left the old V-E section to become apart of the new Section 6 and won the Outstanding Lodge award again. The lodge continued to earn Standard Lodge Recognition through 1978. In 1974 and 1975, Yustaga was awarded the E. Urner Goodman Camping Award, one of two in the Southeast region and one of twelve nationally. Yustaga hosted the 1976 Section 6 Conference at Camp Euchee that was noted as exceptionally outstanding.


    In 1982, Yustaga Lodge was transferred back to SE-3 and won the "Mr. Friendly Axe" award at the Sectional Conference. In 1983, our past Lodge Chief, Kit Outlaw, became the first Yustaga Lodge member to become an officer of our new section. He was elected as the Vice-Chief of SE-3. The 1983 Section Conference was held at Camp Euchee. In 1984, a new chapter, Osceola, was created. The reason for the new chapter was the splitting of the old Esca-Rosa district, creating the Five Flags and Blackwater districts. In 1985, Cory Wilkinson was elected Section Secretary and in 1987, Vice Chief. During the 1988-1989 year, Scott Broughton served as the SE-3 Section Chief and Wade Hartley as Section Secretary.


    In 1991, Yustaga Lodge hosted the Section Conclave at Camp Euchee. Lodge Chief Chad Hartley was elected Section Secretary. In 1993, the first SR-8 Conclave was held at Camp Alaflo in Enterprise, Alabama. Yustaga was named Best All-Around Lodge at the Conclave. In 1996 Yustagar's NOAC contingent was awarded First Place for Authenticity, Third Place Overall in Dance, and National Honor Recognition in Ceremony. Awarded at conclave: 1996 Section Dance Champions, Section 1st Place Allowat Sakima, 1st Place Kichkinet. In 1997, Yustaga was awarded Section Dance Champions again at Conclave, as well at 1st place Meteu, and 3rd place Pre-Ordeal ceremony. In 1998, Yustaga received 3rd place for dance nationally at NOAC, as well as one National Honor Team for Pre-Ordeal ceremony, and one Merit Team for Pre-Ordeal ceremony. At Conclave, awards included Section Dance Champions and First place Pre-Ordeal Ceremony. In 1999, Yustaga received 1st place Dance, 2nd place Drum and Song, 3rd in Pre-Ordeal, 1st in Brotherhood, Best Meteu, and Best Overall Lodge. Yustaga also sent a 4 member contingent to the first ever National Leadership Summit, held in Ft. Collins, Colorado.


    In 2000, Yustaga received 1st place Dance, 1st place Pre-Ordeal, 1st place Publications and… A 16-member contingent also showed for Yustaga at the National Conference, held at the University of Tennessee, in Knoxville. While there, the Pre-Ordeal team was awarded National Honor Team Status. In 2001, Yustaga Lodge hosted the final Conclave for SR-8B. It was a great success, including our popular "Survivor" Saturday night show. In 2002, Steven Henry was elected Section Vice Chief at the Conclave. The lodge also went to NOAC 2002, held at Indiana State University, where we placed 8th nationally in the Soccer Competition and made a strong showing in the Jenga competition. In 2003, The lodge hosted its first Green Bar JLT for the council, which was a big success and spawned an annual event by the lodge. Steven Henry was elected Section Chief at the Conclave, where Yustaga swept the Pre-Ordeal Ceremony competition, taking first and second, as well as all individual characters. Later that year, Doug Watson was elected lodge chief. At the end of 2003 at the annual Dallas Planning meeting, David Dowty, a former member of Yustaga Lodge, was elected as the National Vice-Chief. Steven Henry was also elected as the CVC (Conference Vice-Chief) for TOAP( The Outdoor Adventure Place) In 2004 Yustaga Lodge once again hosted the Green Bar JLT which had over 200 in attendance. At Conclave our lodge was well represented taking home first in soccer, third in volleyball, third Pre-Ordeal Team, second Ordeal Team, best Nutiket and Allowat (Pre-Ordeal), best Youth and Adult Trainer, third in North Cup, first in horse shoes, but most importantly, Charles Bellinghausen was elected Section Vice-Chief. At the 2004 NOAC Yustaga Lodge sent 17 participants and 4 staff. At NOAC our Pre-Ordeal team was awarded Honor Team and Honor Regalia. In 2005 Yustaga hosted a merit badge weekend and leadership training together for the Green Bar Weekend. There were over 300 in attendance and the lodge continued to receive praise from the troops and the council for the annual event. At conclave, which was hosted by Alibamu because of the damage camp Maubila sustained in hurricane Ivan, the lodge was awaded 1st place Pre-Ordeal, 1st in Ultimate, Best regalia, and came in second in the North Cup Competition, among other awards. Several lodge members served on staff at the 2005 National Scout Jamboree, in the OA Service Corps, Subcamp 20 staff, and all over the Jamboree. In 2006, Yustaga Lodge hosted the 4th annual Green Bar JLT at Spanish Trail Scout Reservation on January 27th through 29th. The event once again had high attendance and praise from the scouts and scouters of the council. Later that year during the 2006 SR-4N conclave hosted by Woa Cholena Lodge at Camp Maubila in Jackson, AL our lodge won Best all Around Lodge, First Place North Cup, First Place OA Jeopardy, First Place Pre Ordeal Ceremony, Second Place Best Trained Lodge, Second Place Volleyball, Second Place Golf Chip by Mr. Moore, Third Place Wischixin, Third Place Golf Chip by Mr. Roever, Best Nutiket - Chandler Young, Best Allowat - Michael Kirkland, Best Meteu - Geoffrey Helms, Third Place Brotherhood Ceremony, and Best Adult Trainer - Mr. Ted Spangenberg Jr. During that summer the lodge sent a contingent of 37 arrowmen and 4 staff members to the National Order of the Arrow Conference at the Michigan State University Campus in East Lansing, Michigan. While there the Lodge Pre-Ordeal team received the Honor Team Recognition and the teams Regalia was chosen to be on display as the best in the Southern Region. Ted Spangenberg was presented the Silver Antelope for giving outstanding service to youth on the region level. During the 2006 Fall Pow Wow the Lodge adopted the new lodge by-laws with the help of Mr. Wade Hartley.